This Reiki Level 1 Initiation and Training is for anyone wishing to activate their innate healing abilities, be initiated as a channel for energy medicine and learn how to use this hands-on energy healing modality for self-healing and for supporting friends and family. (For Level 2 professional practitioner training, please inquire for details).
The training includes:
Guided meditation, personal check-ins, and grounding in intentions for learning Reiki
An overview of Reiki - the many possible benefits, how it heals, how it works, energy medicine, chakra energy system and Reiki, human energy field
Protection, cleansing & grounding techniques when giving Reiki
How to access spirit healing team to support energy medicine work
How to give a healing session to others
Self-healing session process
Hand positions & demonstrations
Interpreting what is experienced in sessions (by giver & recipient); understanding The Claire's and Reiki
Level 1 Attunement & Initiation Ceremony (Individual) - ceremony that opens the channels to be a conduit for reiki energy
In-class practice
21-day Post Attunement detox and purge period - guidance on self-caring during this period
In order to prepare for the class, participants are encouraged to do the following:
If possible, please meditate the evening before and in the morning when you rise, getting yourself into a peaceful space and reflecting on the intention to learn and practice with Reiki
Try to avoid any caffeine and alcohol the day/evening before and the morning of as well
Have a warm meal before coming that is comforting; please feel free to bring any food/snacks you like. We'll take a break during the class as well.
Have a notebook handy. I'll be providing handouts but the notebook may be helpful if you want to take additional notes
Bring something for the altar/sacred space- The attunement ceremony portion of the class takes places in front of a sacred altar space. Please bring an item or items for the altar; it can be anything that resonates for you (a crystal, photo, piece of jewelry, candle, something written, etc).
Dress comfortably and have a light scarf on hand (I will explain the use of this on the day of class)
Come with an open mind and heart, ready to receive and share
What is a Reiki Attunement?
An attunement gives one the ability to do and give Reiki (it's different from a Reiki session). A sacred spiritual initiation & ceremony that connects one to higher levels of consciousness & unlimited source of healing energy; opens the crown, heart & palm chakras for their use in source; helps one connect to Reiki Energy Source, cleanses ones system on various levels & activates one to be a channel for energy medicine.
What can one experience DURING an attunement? This varies, some examples include:
Feeling things being pulled from body
Ancestral visits, visions and communication
Feeling tingling and vibrations in body and hands
Receiving clarity about life, clear messages
Feeling crown and third eye chakras opening
Seeing visions, images & colors
Feeling emotional, crying
Feeling realigned energetically
Feeling out of body, out of this realm
Feeling calm, powerful, balanced
Feeling uneasy, nausea, physical discomfort
Feeling energy and current move through body
Feeling as if water is being poured over body
Feeling hot or cool
Seeing self in past life
Feeling varied physical experiences
What can one experience POST attunement? This also varies; some examples of immediate & long-term experiences post attunement include
Release of toxins
Detox and flu-like symptoms, purging (vomiting, flatulence), headaches, fatigue (immediate)
Buried emotions surfacing and being released
Vivid dreams
Increased body temp
Stronger intuition & psychic abilities
Being less reactive to things
Better and deeper sleep
Greater clarity around patterns, childhood, karma
Thoughts slowing down
Newfound ability to concentrate and meditate
Heightened sensitivity, heightened awareness
Heightened confidence in self and abilities, feeling more powerful
Feeling more connected to ancestors and spirit guides
Receiving guidance and messages from intuition, higher self and spirit guides
Feeling more calm, grounded, at peace
Plugging into source energy more easily
Understanding of own thoughts vs. others
Instagram : @selome.araya