Healing Board Course is a training course destined to anyone that wants to better sense, understand, focus and channels your energy towards Healing.
Healings on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels can happen through this tool that brings to awareness whatever it is related to an issue. If you want to practice self healings based on Chakras, Subtle Bodies, Food and Colours balance, Past Lives access and natural ways, this course is for you!
Material needed: pendulum (you can also purchase it at Open Hearts)
This is a course taught by Fran Stela, Psychic Medium and Channeler of Healing Board together with Gregor Tavares, Reiki Master Teacher, Tai Chi instructor, Enneagram Coach and Co-organizer of Healing Board.
A summary of the course days agenda:
Day 1:
Introduction to the Board
Dowsing Principles
Subtle Bodies
Exercises and Practices
Day 2
Chakras and Colours Therapy
Western Occultism, Aryuveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine Elements
Past Lives and Present Life Memories
Exercises and Practices
It's a 2 days course with certificate and healthy lunch included to be enjoyed together!